Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Mauritian team

Championnat du Monde de la Photographie sous Marine

An experience not to forget that quickly ...
The Championship has been really great, of course with some stress and struggle ones a while, but on the other side a lot of sharing and positive emotions..
It's incredible to meet all those photographers and assistants from different countries and cultures.
There has been a lot of sharing and exchanging addresses with promises to keep in touch!
Gérald has been classified on the ninth place at the worlds best CMAS photographers list ... I am really proud of him !!
He did such a good job ...and is a talented photographer with a great perspective to progress even more for sure ..
Silence is back and agitation is all behind and it feels quiet funny to be back to normal again...
But all was so much worth it and I keep in souvenir this special opportunity I had the chance to share ..

Some modeling pics